If you want to get good marks in Hindi exam, then follow these things Here in this article, for the students appearing for the 10th board exams, all the questions and doubts that come between pre-examination preparation and appearing in the exam have been completely resolved. Come, follow these advice and tips and get good marks in Hindi board exams. Questions related to Hindi exam, which often arise in the mind of the examinees - Some questions often arise in the minds of the examinees regarding Hindi exam and Hindi question papers, so here we are trying to solve their questions. Apart from these questions, if you want to know the answer to any other question, then you can ask by writing in the comment box. So let's see what are those questions? Question 1- Is it necessary to write down the answers while doing revision exercises? Ans-Yes, you should solve any five question papers from any good model paper or practice question paper by writing completely, beca...