सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Important tips to score good marks in board exams.


If you want to get good marks in Hindi exam, then follow these things

Here in this article, for the students appearing for the 10th board exams, all the questions and doubts that come between pre-examination preparation and appearing in the exam have been completely resolved. Come, follow these advice and tips and get good marks in Hindi board exams.

Questions related to Hindi exam, which often arise in the mind of the examinees -

Some questions often arise in the minds of the examinees regarding Hindi exam and Hindi question papers, so here we are trying to solve their questions.  Apart from these questions, if you want to know the answer to any other question, then you can ask by writing in the comment box.  So let's see what are those questions?

Question 1-

Is it necessary to write down the answers while doing revision exercises?

Ans-Yes, you should solve any five question papers from any good model paper or practice question paper by writing completely, because many times there is a possibility of leaving the question paper due to lack of writing practice. If you practice solving the question paper in exactly 3 hours by keeping a watch, it will help you in planning your time. You will be able to understand how much time to spend on which question. This will increase the speed of your writing, you will come to know your mistakes, and secondly, it will be convenient to solve the question paper on time. So my advice is to practice solving at least five question papers by writing them correctly in 3 hours.

Question 2-

Which section to do first:

Ans-There will be 2 sections in your question paper. The first section will be based on multiple choice questions and the second section will be descriptive type. You can do any section first but keep in mind that whatever section you are doing, try to answer all the questions at one go.

Well my advice is that first you answer multiple choice questions and then do second section. Because sometimes time is not taken care of in writing answers to descriptive questions and then multiple choice questions can be left.

Question 3- 

How to write answers to multiple choice questions: 

Ans-While answering multiple choice questions, keep in mind that when you are writing one of the four options A, B, C, D - as an answer, the number given along with it Also write the line, phrase etc. Because many times it is not clear whether you have written option B or D because of not writing clearly. This also creates problem for the examiner in checking the booklet and you may also have to bear the loss.

Question 4-

Whether articles and spelling numbers are deducted:

Ans-Yes, even if the marks of the article are not deducted directly, but it definitely has a positive or negative effect on the examiner who checks the answer sheet. If your work is error-free and clear, then definitely the examiner will not be able to deduct marks, but if there are many spelling errors in your work, then he will not be able to ignore it and it will definitely affect your marks. Therefore, start the practice of writing pure and clear articles from today itself.

Question 5-

Can I give my name in letters and notic writing etc:

Ans-No, there is an instruction book on the back side of the answer sheet, in that instruction book it is clearly written that the candidate should not write his name or school name or any other way of introducing himself in the answer sheet. Therefore, you should also avoid giving your name in letter writing, information or e-mail writing. If any name is mentioned in any question under writing in the question paper, then you have to write the same name in your letter. If any name or address is not given in the question paper, then you have to use A, B, C or X, Y, Z etc. in place of name and address.

Question 6-

Is it necessary to keep in mind the word limit given in the question paper:

Ans-Yes, there is a word limit for almost every question in the question paper and it is also clearly mentioned there. So you need your answer to be in about the same word limit. For this, while practicing beforehand, make sure that which question will be asked in how many words and practice accordingly. For this, you do not need to waste time counting the words of each question, as the examiner will not be counting your words. Just make sure that you have clearly answered all the parts of the question that has been asked. Because your marks depend more on the clarity of your answer. Anyway, if you have explained the answer clearly, then the word limit of your answer will be around the word limit of the question itself. Anyway if you have written a long answer but missed the main point then you will not get marks there. So try to understand the question and give precise and clear answer in correct form, rather than wasting time in counting the words of each answer.

Important things to remember in the examination hall:-

When you sit in the examination hall with the question paper in your hands, do not panic, but follow the following instructions -

1-Stay calm and focused during the exam. Take deep breaths. This will help you think clearly and answer the questions correctly.

2- Read the question paper carefully. Many times something happens when asked and in haste you write something else in the answer.

3-Use the 15 minutes you get to read the question paper properly. At that time, read the entire question paper carefully and at the same time decide which option you have to choose from the options given in essay questions, such as article, letter, information etc. Also keep in mind the correct options for multiple choice questions, which will save time.

4-Write the answers to the questions clearly keeping in mind the correct distance, so that no question is left out for correction.

5-The question number given in the question paper, you should write the same question number in your answer book. Do not change the number of any question from your side.

Important things to keep in mind before the exam:-

Make a Study Schedule:

Create a schedule that includes time for study, practice and breaks. Allocate sufficient time for each subject. 

Understand the syllabus:

Understand the syllabus and topics covered in the exam. This will help you focus on the most important topics and prioritize your study time.

Study from the right material:

Use the right text-books and study material to prepare for the exam. Make sure to use the latest version of the textbook and practice papers.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

Practice is the key to success in any exam. Practice solving previous papers, sample papers and practice questions. This will help you to understand the exam pattern and improve your time management skills.

Understand the format of the exam:

Understand the format of the exam, number of questions, time allotted and marking scheme. This will help you prepare for the exam in the best possible way.

Revise regularly:

Revise regularly, don't leave everything to the last minute. Revision (correcting mistakes or deficiencies) will help you retain your knowledge and improve your chances of success in the exam.

have a good sleep:

Have a good sleep before the exam. This will help you to stay fresh and focused on the day of the exam.

Get help when you need it:

If you're struggling with a particular topic, don't hesitate to ask for help. Reach out to your teachers, friends or family for help and support.

 👍👍👍 All the very best to all of you for your board exams 👍👍👍


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Bade bhai sahab (questions & answers)बडे़ भाईसाहब (पाठ-1, गद्य भाग)

  मौखिक निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-दो पंक्तियों में दीजिए- प्रश्न 1.  कथा नायक की रुचि किन कार्यों में थी? उत्तर-हमारी दृष्टि में पाठ के कथा नायक लेखक यानी कहानी लिखने वाले छोटे भाई हैं। छोटे भाई की रुचि खेल-कूद में थी। उन्हें पढ़ने से अधिक पसंद था-मैदान की सुखद हरियाली, फुटबॉल एवं बॉलीबॉल खेलना, पतंगबाज़ी करना, गुल्ली-डंडा खेलना, कागज की तितलियाँ उड़ाना, चारदीवारी पर चढ़कर नीचे कूदना, कंकरियाँ उछालना तथा फाटक पर सवार होकर उसे मोटर-कार की तरह आगे-पीछे चलाना। प्रश्न 2.  बड़े भाई साहब छोटे भाई से हर समय पहला सवाल क्या पूछते थे? उत्तर-छोटा भाई जब भी खेल-कूद में समय बरबाद करके आता, तो बड़े भाई उससे हमेशा एक ही सवाल पूछते थे-कहाँ थे? यह सवाल हमेशा एक ही लहज़े में पूछा जाता था। उसके बाद उनकी उपदेश-माला प्रारंभ हो जाती थी।  प्रश्न 3.  दूसरी बार पास होने पर छोटे भाई के व्यवहार में क्या परिवर्तन आया? उत्तर-दूसरी बार पास होने पर छोटे भाई को अपने ऊपर अभिमान हो गया। वह स्वच्छंद और घमंडी हो गया। उसे लगनेे लगा कि उसकी तकदीर बलवान है, अतः वह पढ़े या न पढ़े, वह पास हो ही जाएगा। वह ...

हरिहर काका (संचयन) questions answers of Harihar Kaka

 हरिहर काका  प्रश्नोत्तर  प्रश्न 1-कथावाचक और हरिहर काका के बीच क्या संबंध है इसके क्या कारण हैं? उत्तर-कथावाचक और हरिहर के बीच मधुर, आत्मीय और गहरे संबंध हैं। इसके कई कारण हैं-पहला हरिहर काका कथावाचक के पड़ोसी थे। दूसरा हरिहर काका ने कथावाचक को बहुत प्यार-दुलार दिया था। हरिहर काका उसे बचपन में अपने कंधे पर बिठाकर गाँव भर में घुमाया करते थे। हरिहर काका के कोई संतान नहीं थी, इसलिए वे कथावाचक को एक पिता की तरह प्यार और दुलार करते थे। जब लेखक बड़ा हुआ, तो उसकी पहली मित्रता हरिहर काका के साथ हुई थी। वे उससे कुछ नहीं छिपातेे थे। इन्हीं कारणों से उन दोनों के बीच उम्र का अंतर होते हुए भी गहरा आत्मीयपूर्ण संबंध था।  प्रश्न 2-हरिहर काका को महंत और अपने भाई एक ही श्रेणी के क्यों लगने लगे?  उत्तर-हरिहर काका एक निःसंतान व्यक्ति थे। उनके हिस्से में पंद्रह बीघे उपजाऊ ज़मीन थी। महंत और उनके भाई दोनों का उद्देश्य हरिहर काका की इसी उपजाऊ ज़मीन को अपने कब्जे में करना था। अपने इस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति के लिए दोनों ने काका को अपनी चिकनी-चुपड़ी बातों में फँसाना शुरू कर दिया। काका के भाई भी...

स्मृति class-9

   स्मृति प्रश्नोत्तर प्रश्न 1-भाई के बुलाने पर घर लौटते समय लेखक के मन में किस बात का डर था? उत्तर-भाई के बुलाने पर घर लौटते समय लेखक को भाई की पिटाई का डर था। उसे लग रहा था कि किसी ने उनके द्वारा झरबेरी के बेर तोड़कर खाने वाली बात भाईसाहब को बता दी होगी। शायद इसी अपराध में उनके सामने पेशी होने वाली है।  प्रश्न 2-मक्खनपुर पढ़ने जाने वाली बच्चों की टोली रास्ते में पड़ने वाले कुएँ में ढेला क्यों फेंकती थी? उत्तर-बच्चे स्वभाव से ही नटखट होते हैं। और फिर लेखक और उनके साथियों की टोली तो पूरी वानर सेना थी। उन बच्चों को कुछ समय पहले इस बात का ज्ञान हो गया था कि कुएँ में एक साँप रहता है। साँप ढेला फेंके जाने पर क्रोधपूर्ण फुसकार मारता था। सभी बच्चे साँप की फुसकार सुनकर प्रसन्न होकर कहकहे लगाते। साँप की फुसकार का आनंद उठाने के लिए ही बच्चे कुएँ में ढेला फेंकते थे। लेखक तो उस समय साँप से फुसकार करवा लेना बहुत बड़ा कार्य समझता था।   प्रश्न 3-‘साँप ने फुसकार मारी या नहीं, ढेला उसे लगा या नहीं, यह बात अब तक स्मरण नहीं’-यह कथन लेखक की किस मनोदशा को स्पष्ट करता है? उत्तर-लेखक ने कुएँ ...